For example, making official letterhead, school name boards, school stamps and making notification letters to agencies that are often associated with schools such as the KPKN, Post Office, etc. There is much to be done so that the name of the school can be changed. Changing the name of the school was not as easy as changing the writing on paper. It was called SMA 2 because it was named SMA Negeri 1. Both of these schools are still related and supervised by the SMPP Principal, 1985, precisely on November 23, the name SMPP was changed to SMA N 2. This high school is located in SMA Negeri 1. Because of that SMPP uses the high school curriculum.nnIn 1981, the government opened a new school called SMA because many prospective students registered at SMPP. Posts about SmadaPare written by rhyheriyati. Students who are not clever, are directed to enter this department with the hope that after graduation they can immediately go into the community.nnBut in reality, the students at SMPP competed to enter the general department, so that the vocational department was quiet in demand.

While the vocational majors (skills) are divided into 3 namely woodworking, electricity and workshop. Students who are classified as smart, are directed to enter this department in the hope that they can continue to a higher level. The general department is divided into three, namely Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Languages.

All students, both grade X, XI, and XII are in the same location.nnAt SMPP there are 2 majors, namely general and facsimile. Beliau yang bertempat tinggal di Dusun Kalipang Desa Sanden Kecamatan Pagu Kabupaten Kediri ini sebelumnya menjadi Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Wates. This SMPP is the best school, so the Jombang government built a new building which is now Jombang Public High School. sebagai Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Pare mulai 05 Januari 2018, yang sebelumnya di jabat oleh Bapak Purnomo, S.Pd.,M.Pd. This high school is located in two locations for class X and XII in STIKES while the class XI is in SMAN 1 Jombang.nnBecause it is the only Middle School in Jombang, the Minister of Cultural Education in accordance with Decree no.0236 / 0/1973 decided to change its name to the Preparatory Development Middle School (SMPP). And now, follow us to get this amazing book.SMAN 2 Jombang was established in 1961 under the name Jombang State High School. Ppdb Smada Pare Kediri as the new book can join this world properly. Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah (disingkat OSIS) adalah suatu organisasi yang berada di tingkat sekolah di Indonesia yang dimulai dari Sekolah Menengah yaitu Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). This best sold book from the best author really comes to bone of wanted and wanted book to inspire. osis smada pare Minggu, 05 Februari 2012. When someone can deliver the presence of this book, you can get this book as soon as possible. Smansa Pare 2 Smada Pare 2 Slankers Pare 2 Slamet Pare 2 Skemi Pare 2.
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